Today is my sister Lerilynn's birthday...I love my big sis...she was a teenage mother. Had all three kids before she was 20 and I use to go to her house when I was little and spend the weekend. She was a good mom ...I probably learned my mothering skills from those early years of spending time watching her. She would discipline her oldest Jerome and he would curl up his little lip and it would break my heart. She would tell me "don't you dare love on him when I discipline I would wait till she walked out of the room and I would pounce on that kid and love him to bits. She never did catch me but I think she knew what I was doing all along. She would cook macaroni and cheese and I loved it. She always made sausage gravy for breakfast in the morning and man did I ever eat my heart out. Love her...but one of my fondest memories of her and spending time there was how she would put on rock and roll music and dance. No body in our family could dance like lerly...I wanted to be like her so bad. But I never could dance like her. So lerly I just wanted to tell you how much you mean to me and how much I learned from you and just how special you really are.
I miss you alot. So I pray you will have a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Well I will now I could not believe that email love you with a smiley face I'm thinking she must be really busy ,but i happy now.I know what you were doing to Jerome and the others all along but I didn't care .Thanks for all the sweet things you said and I still would like to dance but it sure does look funny now.I'll just watch Max dance and be happy.
you know I couldn't forget your birthday...goofy
Happy Birthday and may God bless you in new ways this year!
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