Boy did I make a big mistake...by getting up and thinking I was going to hit the jack pot yardsaleing...well I should of stayed in bed. I mean please...put some stuff out that is worth stopping for...it was the biggest waste of my time and gas. Well think it will probably be my only yard saleing adventure for the summer..can't take any more of those adventure's...sorry had to vent somewhere and this is where it all came out. Hope you guys have a better weekend.
I stopped going to yardsales in 1994 when a rabid collie bit my ankle while I was inspecting the finest in used tupperware.
This is kinda true.
I am sorry but I had to laugh..i sure hope you got some good tupperware for your trouble.
That stinks! I hate yard sales that are more like Garbage sales. Sorry you wasted your time!
No, but seriously. I used to live for yardsales but I've got enough stuff already. How much more do I really need? Except a dresser, wardrobe and new bedframe. Craigslist, anyone?
No, but comically, I ended up in the hospital over that collie bite and my ankle was severely deformed thereafter, causing my husband to lose interest in me, if ya know what I mean. (Bob had fallen in love with me for my well turned ankles.) I tried wearing attractive scarves to camouflage my gross disfigurement, some even with bells on them, but apparently I was damaged goods and Bob ran off with a donut maker from Reno, made no difference to him she was a deaf-mute with a constant neck tic - she did have lovely ankles.
Well... no man wanted anything to do with me ever again and I considered going gay but just couldn't make the leap. Of course I lost my job as a capri pants model, wasn't trained in any other work and ended up losing my house. My cat had trouble locating to a studio apartment and ran off too.
And here I am, spending all my time on the Internet. Just me, my disability check, a photo of my cat and this slow computer which will probably Blue Screen any day now.
And that's why I don't go to yardsales, as much as I could use a second plate, cup, knife, fork and spoon, in case I can ever make a friend and have them over for water and dry toast.
Jannie (thanks for stopping by my blog too.)
;) (is that how you make a wink?)
(Hey, that turned out kind of funny. I think I'll put it up as my post for todoay.)
That sounds like a country and western song...LOL..very funny..
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