Well I will try and take you all back a few years. I was in my twentys and came out to Idaho to visit my brother...who was in the Air Force. I was here for a few years and he got stationed somewhere else and I stayed here. I just loved the small town and the Mtn. and all. I met my husband one nite at a party. He was a town boy. Grew up here in podunk hollar... So he asked me to go the Indian bath tubs after the party which I said yes because I was drunk. Ha..Then we proceded to mess around for the next 6 months and it was nothing serious just partying and being young and STUPID. Oh sorry got carried away...Well you know the obvious happened.I got pregnant. He was already planning on moving to Alaska to get away from the party scene and I did not want anything from him so we parted ways. When out son was born I sent him some pictures (cause he looked just like him) and I never got a response. So I went on with my life. I moved to Virginia with my brother to help him take care of his kids. Was suppose to be only for the summer but it turned into all year. So my brother had to go to school in Illinois just a hop skip and a jump from my Dad's and stepmother's house in Ky. My step mother had recently given her life to Jesus and we all thought she had lost her mind. We pretty much steared clear of Ky. If you know what I mean. All that religion can get cha down when all you want to do is party. Well my stepmom calls us in Va and say's why don't ya'll and the kids come and stay here till you are done with school and then you can go on to Idaho from here. Greg said it would really help him so I said yes. Dreading going because of the religion thing. So we go and of course they just happened to be having a real good revival goin on at her church. She say's you want to go? And you guessed it I said yes because I did not want to offend her. So to make a real long story shorter...I went got saved and so she asked me before I left to go back to Idaho...I was there for a month....what did I want God to do for me. I thought about it and said well if I were cinderella and got my wish I would want Ryan to have his mom and dad together, I said this joking around, cause I thought to myself that it would never happen. Well she say's ok that is the way we will pray. I said have you lost your mind? I have not heard from that man in almost 3 years and he might be married for all I know and I don't really care. She said let God worry about that. I just looked at her like she was nuts and went on my merry way back to Idaho. Then I went back to Tenn. and went back to Ky. then to Virginia then to Las vegas with my brother. Then my sister and I thought we would move back to Tn...but we had no money so the door opened up for us to go to Idaho temporary to work to get money to go back to Tn. Or so I thought. Told you this was a lonnng story. Hope your still with me. Well while we were here in Idaho ( 1981) My sister said what church should we go to while we are here. I said well I know where I'm not going and that is Assembly of God...cause that is where Ryan's grandparents go and I don't want to upset them by seeing Ryan...they were praying too...so we will go to the christian center. She said ok. So we go..and I'm sitting there and my mouth drops open and Nelly say's what's wrong. I said the pastor is Ryan's granpa..and she started laughing I said this is not funny. Let's get out of here. She said no. So we stayed and at the end I ran out so they would not see me. Well they did see me and they wondered why I did not stay. So after 2 weeks Nelly convinced me to go back and not worry about it. So we did. Well I went to church there for 6 months and did not even mention Dan's name and Ryan called them Mr. and Mrs..and I did not tell him who they were, cause you know.. I thought I was goin to Tenn. Well God had other plans. Remember my step mother was still praying.Well Christmas came around and dan's mom stopped me in church one Sunday nite. and whispered in my ear that Dan was coming to visit. I was shocked that she had even said his name to me. And I said oh ok I will not come to church while he is here as not to upset him. Thinking this is why she was telling me...and she grabbed my shoulders and said don't you take this out of God's hands. And I just stood there staring at her like she was crazy. I said ok. What ever. To be continued....
Im staying tuned!! :)
oh good...
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