I heard about a man who shot his whole family yesterday on CNN...his note said it was because of the financial crisis going on...The bible said in the last days men's heart's would fail them for fear...boy are we seeing that come to pass. Bible prophesy is being fulfilled one by one and we are watching it. So please get your heart's in line with God's word. And that is easy ..."if you confess Jesus with your mouth and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead then you will be saved...for confession is made unto salvation. I sure hope all of you who read this have done this and if you have you will be ok.
Amen. It is scary and a bit exciting to realize so much of the end time prophecies have come to pass. Big hugs!
Yes, I think it always time to get it right with God, even though it seems the world has been on the brink of ending for many, many years now.
Yet, I am on the watch. Should he come Right Now, I'm ready!
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