Yep it's that time of year....for me summer is over...back to school...work...the whole shabang. Oh well the good side of it is I get paid for it...yea. Now trust me you have to be nice to the lunch lady's cause they do have access to knive's. Not that I would ever hurt a child but I do work at the High school so they are really not children just little adults. No all kiddding aside believe it or not I have never had a bad result with any kids in 10 years. I like them maybe that is why they don't bug me. And of course I am giving them food so maybe that is why they like me...hum....I wonder...
I got nothing except your post made me laugh.
Happy back to school and work.
Giving food to hungry teenagers with empty pits for stomachs? Oh yea, you are their best friend at that moment!
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