Got this from my neice...decided to post instead of email..
Welcome to the 2008 edition of getting to know your friends.
1. What time did you get up this morning???9:30
2. Diamonds or Pearls??? Diamonds
3. What 2 things do you always have with you???keys/purse
4. What is your favorite TV show??? American Idol
5. What do you usually have for breakfast???oatmeal
6. What is your favorite book??? bible
7. What is your middle name???? marie
8. What food do you dislike???? raspberrys
9. What is your favorite CD??? lots
10.What type of car do you drive??? camrey
11.Favorite sandwich??? philly
12.What characteristic do you despise??? arogance
13.Favorite item of clothing??? lounge pants
14.If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go??? bahamas
15.What color is your bathroom??? Blue
16.Favorite brand of clothing??? don't know
17.Where would you like retire to??? the ocean
18.What was your most recent memorable birthday??? my last one..i'm still here
23.Favorite saying???? Praise the Lord
24.When is your birthday??? 11/12
25.Are you a morning person or a night person??? I'm a nite person
26.What is your shoe size? 6-1/2
27.Pets??? cat & dog
28.What did you want to be when you were little??? a mommy
29.How are you today???? blessed
30.What is your favorite candy??? snickers-today
31.What is your favorite flower???? hydrangha
32.What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to??? christmas
33.What is the last thing you ate??? toast&orange juice
34.What are you listening to right now????? christian tv
35.If you were a crayon, what color would you be???? aqua blue
36.How is the weather right now?? 'bout 75
37.Last person you spoke to on the phone??? greg
38.Do you like the person who sent this to you??? yes
39.Favorite soft drink??? coke
40.Favorite restaurant?? italian
41.Hair color??? blonde/gray
42.Sibling(s).? 2 sisters, 3 brothers
43.Favorite day of the year??? vacation days
44.What was your favorite toy as a child??? kitty cats
45.Favorite Season? fall/spring
46.Hugs or kisses??? hugs
47.Chocolate or Vanilla??? chocolate
49.When was the last time you cried??? Sat.over my neice in heaven
50.What is under your bed??? dust
51.Who is the friend you have had the longest??? hubby..most of the time
52.Favorite smell??? old spice
53.What are you afraid of??? flying
54.Plain, butter or salted popcorn??? butter
55. How many keys on your key ring???? too many
56. How many years at your current job??? 10
57. Favorite day of the week????? friday
58.How many towns have you lived in???? probably 6
59. Do you make friends easily?? not really