Friday, May 30, 2008

The departure date....

Your life is like a mist. You can see it for a short time, but then it goes away. James 4:14 (NCV)You, as all God's children, live one final breath from your own funeral. Which, from God's perspective, is nothing to grieve. He responds to these grave facts with this great news:

"The day you die is better than the day you are born" (Eccles. 7:1 NLT).

Now there is a twist. Heaven enjoys a maternity ward reaction to funerals. Angels watch body burials the same way grandparents monitor delivery room doors. He'll be coming through any minute! They can't wait to see the new arrival. While we're driving hearses and wearing black, they're hanging pink and blue streamers. We don't grieve when babies enter the world. The hosts of heaven don't weep when we leave it.

As long as you know the savior...Just believe.

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